Recent Projects
Dig-In Bruntsfield Community Greengrocer
I've been involved helping to set up a community-owned greengrocer in Bruntsfield, Scotland's first in an urban area. As a member of the Management Committee, I shaped a mission statement, aims and objectives and key messages for the project. I then led the successful share offer to raise £30,000 of community shares in just over four months. The share offer was launched by an event at the Bruntsfield Hotel with over 100 residents coming along to listen to speakers such as the broadcaster Lesley Riddoch. The launch also featured in the Herald and the Guardian and has seen further coverage on and other media.
As part of a strategic communications plan I led the creation and production of the Share Prospectus, a key document explaining all about the share offer and concept and other materials. Managing the graphic designer, photographer, and external supplier, as well as writing the copy. I continue to be involved creating recipes for customers and shareholders and managing the communications including social media and directing our website look, content and focus.
Fork to Fork at Gorgie City Farm
I created the proposal for the 'Fork to Fork' cookery and gardening sessions at Gorgie City Farm, Edinburgh. This inner-city farm is a valuable community resource, offering volunteering and learning opportunities to a diverse community. With pigs, chickens, and bees it's a real working farm, manned by both staff and volunteers.
The Fork to Fork concept was used by the farm to obtain outside funding for the project. Since then the volunteers, many with learning difficulties or mental health conditions, have enjoyed learning new skills learning to grow and cook with the fresh vegetables grown on the farm. Starting with a basic green salad, we have enjoyed couscous, risotto, pasta, soup and many more delicious and simple dishes. As well as learning to cook, the volunteers all sit down to eat together afterwards, allowing everyone to take pleasure in what they've prepared.
The recipes I prepared for 2013's lessons were included in the Fork to Fork 2014 charity calendar.
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